Saturday, June 26, 2010

MiniMental Application

This app is an interactive Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) used to evaluate for cognitive impairment. I've subdivided the exam into four different sections: Orientation, Registration & Attention, Recall & Language, and Language & Praxis. There are interactive check boxes, radio boxes, and spinners, oh my! The directions are pretty self-explanatory so I won't go into detail.

I've incorporated pictures of objects (watch and pencil) for naming if you don't happen to have them physically on you (a cell phone does not count as a watch, even in this day and age). I've also included the intersecting pentagons which is almost as hard to draw as that dastardly clock.

This app requires Android OS 1.6 (sorry 1.5 users, didn't make the cut). Please feel free to comment with any suggestions or any bugs that you find. I'll take the time to fix them.

-If you press the back button on your phone, it will exit you out of the app. Use the controls at the bottom to navigate around.
-The way that the Android app lifecycle works, it remembers the score between different runs of the program. Make sure to press MENU and the "RESET SCORE" button to reset the score if you're doing a new patient's MMSE.
-You can turn the phone to landscape mode to make certain screens fit better (namely the "CLOSE YOUR EYES" or the intersecting pentagons)




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